Insect based dog food

A healthy and clean way of providing the proteins your dog needs.

Made in Belgium

Our production is made in small batches and made locally.

Carefully Created recipe

Our recipe has been created with expert nutritionists to create a balanced diet for your dog. 

Ecological delivery

We only work together with the most environmental companies to provide a clean and flexible delivery at home. 

Why For Franky ?

We care about your dog

Our idea is to not only create a healthy diet for your dog, we also wish to make you more aware about how much your dog needs to eat, keep up with dog nutrition and how to keep your dog healthy. Find out how much your buddy really needs to eat everyday by using our calculator in our “try now section”. People need to be given the right information about their dog, because every dog’s different. Try us out for free! Pay only a small delivery fee and we’ll provide a starting kit for you to try out.  

  • Free 2 week trial
  • Free delivery for subscriptions
  • Reusable packaging

About us

We care about our planet

  • Sustainable super foods and local products
  • Waste reduction through circular reuse of packaging 
  • Ecological delivery. 

Keep up to date with our newsfeed

Stay in the loop ! We will send you an email once in a while with information catered to your dogs need & wellbeing, special offers and invitations to exclusive events!